• Logos and Branding
  • Print

The Chalice wine labels were designed for Calix, an award-winning Australian technology company that is developing new processes and materials to solve global challenges, including CO2 capture.

This limited edition run was commissioned to celebrate a successful agricultural partnership with a French winery and were presented to staff as gifts.

The original design concept plays on the combination of the silhouette of wine glass and curvature of the letter ‘C’ from the brand name in a highly geometric form. The colour gradient combines a vivid burgundy accent to reflect the wine colour combined with a golden accent colour to represent the premium quality of the wine.

Chalice Merlot, branded wine bottle design

A new design was commissioned for second run of the wine after the success of the initial run.

This new design took its influence from a series of paintings by the artist Cy Twombley entitled ‘Bacchus’ in reference to the Greek god of winemaking.

The abstract design features a highly energetic ‘splash’ motif of vivid pink and burgundy that evokes abandon, luxuriance, and freedom.

Chalice wine lable brand design