• Web Design
  • Web Development
  • Logos and Branding

A new responsive web design and build with CMS integration as well as logo design for executive search consultancy Whitney Murray.

Whitney Murray Logo
Whitney Murray Logo

Logo Design

The client was open to ideas about the form of the logo, but expressed a preference for a blue and pink colour scheme.

Initial Design Concept

I was initially inspired by the sculptor Eduardo Chillida and used abstracted forms of the company initials alongside the name in the Fenix typeface.

The name Whitney Murray is taken from the company MD Rebecca Whitney, using her maiden and married surnames, so I decided on using a transparent overlay where the initials overlap to reflect their relationship. The client was actually very keen on this design but felt it wasn’t quite serious enough and perhaps slightly unconventional for their field.

Whitney Murray logo concepts - version 1
The initial logo design for Whitney Murray was inspired by the artist Eduardo Chillida

Back to the Drawing Board

With feedback from the client I embarked on another design. They liked the colours of the initial design but wanted to see a variation on the blue and the pink for comparison. The new logo is very angular and was designed to have more authority than the initial design.

Whitney Murray logo concepts - version 2
The second design for the logo again used the company initials but in a more angular form

Final Logo Design

The client wanted something in between the first and second designs, so we reverted back to the original colours as well as the vertically aligned initials from the original logo and combined it with the more angular forms of the second design. I also felt that the font should be uppercase in this particular configuration and the client agreed.

Whitney Murray logo concepts - version 3
Final designs for Whitney Murray logo